Thursday, September 5, 2013

To kill a mockingbird

I have really enjoyed "To Kill a Mockingbird" so far. Harper Lee's way of writing is very intriguing. I believe Boo Radley will play a big part in the book. I loved how Scout, Jem & Dill used there imagination to make Boo seem so frightening. I also am surprised of how Miss Caroline treated Scout in front of the class, it was very humiliating. The ruler hitting as a punishment shows how different school discipline was in the 1930's compared to now. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

jenna and mckenzies post

1. Research 2d art by Audrey Flack. Post favorite painting. Explain why you chose it over others.
2. Research "still life" at Post the most creative arrangement or objects.
3. Research still life at post your favorite one and explain why.
4. Post you favorite colored pencil image from

1.) I chose this 2d art because the space is filled and it looks very realistic.

2.) I chose this still life because it has a variety of colors.

3.) i chose this still life because the leaf stands out from the rest of the picture because of its color.

4.) i chose this colored pencil image because it looks like the lion is coming out of the picture.

Extra credit

1. Research 2d art by Audrey Flack. Post favorite painting. Explain why you chose it over others.
2. Research "still life" at Post the most creative arrangement or objects.
3. Research still life at post your favorite one and explain why.
4. Post you favorite colored pencil image from

I choose this picture by Audrey Flack because the oranges and the rose caught my eye and it looks pretty.


I think this picture is the most creative because its abstract and has contrast.

This is my favorite picture because it has a lot of color and it is very cool.

This is my favorite colored pencil drawing because it is very pretty and has a clear image.

extra credit for students who finished painting

1. Research 2d art by Audrey Flack. Post favorite painting. Explain why you chose it over others.
2. Research "still life" at Post the most creative arrangement or objects.
3. Research still life at post your favorite one and explain why.
4. Post you favorite colored pencil image from

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

This painting gives a mood of happiness because of the orange and yellow colors. Also it gives off a sad mood because of the blue and black on the right side. The mix of colors on the ground represents a mix of moods. The sharp lines on the trees represent a sarcastic mood.

Jake St.H

In this drawing there there are highlights inside the mane, around the eyes, and mouth. The darks are mainly inside the mouth and around the mane. There are about 5 ranges of values.

Jake St.H

This painting gives a relaxed mood because of the blue and yellow contrast. The swirled, curved, and wavey lines all add to the mood as well.

this painting represents joy because there are multiple colors and the ,lines are very play full and care free.

-abby collier

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tori's Response

The moods in this picture are joy, serenity, and acceptance. The clouds give off a peaceful feeling, and the sunlight gives off a happy feeling. This is also shown because there are no sharp edges and the picture is very soft.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Nick Mondak

The mood in this painting is happy. The colors in this painting are orange and yellow which symbolize happiness. Some of the lines are also curvy which also symbolizes happiness.

Color: Multi-Color

Mood: Mixed

The picture is very vibrant and represents a multi colored nature showing a mixed feel of boredom to happiness to sadness. The picture shows a different form of reds, yellows, purples, greens, oranges and blues.

patricks photo

The mood this represents is boredom. It shows boredom because the lines are just very plain and the picture is all purple. It has no excitement in the photo

The mood that I am trying to show is joy and the color shows that because it is a mid tone of yellow. Also the clouds are curvy which makes the picture look more happy.
Color: yellow
Mood: joy
The shapes and lines represent joy because there's stars and stars are happy and joyful.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Mckenzie's Post

Color: yellow and green
Meaning: yellow is joy and green is trust
It shows joy by by the shape of the flower its curved like a smile.

Faith's post

Color: yellow and green
Meaning: joy and trust/love
The green and yellow dots show mixed good feelings of trust and joy, it's an overwhelming happy feeling. Thats why there are so many dots all over the painting. They're all closed circles because it shows complete happiness.

Jenna's Post

Color: yellow
Meaning: joy
The lines and circles represent happiness because they are curved.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Assignment three: color and mood

Colors relate to moods. Example "I feel blue" means I feel sad. We just learned about Picasso's blue and rose periods.
Assignment: Find an abstract painting that relates to your mood today and then give an explanation why the colors and lines represent your mood today.
Use this chart to help decipher the color mood relationship. Note the darker the color (shade0 intensifies the mood and the lighter color ( tint) is a more subtle mood.

Assignemt three- color and mood

Colors relate to moods. Example "I feel blue" means I feel sad. We just learned about Picasso's blue and rose periods.
Assignment: Find an abstract painting that relates to your mood today and then give an explanation why the colors and lines represent your mood today.
Use this chart to help decipher the color mood relationship. Note the darker the color (shade0 intensifies the mood and the lighter color ( tint) is a more subtle mood.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Lights- around the nose and sides of face.
Darks- around eyes nose and mouth.
Highlights- around left side of face.
Cast shadows- none
Mid tones-right side of face.

Liz's Answer

highlights: baby's shirt sleeve, hand's nails and side of fingers, vanes on the hand, baby's ear, baby's face.

lights: bed sheets/ covers, the collar of the baby's shirt.

mediums : baby's hair, parts of the blanket.

darks: almost the entire hand, back of baby's head.

 cast shadows: in between the fingers, shadows on the blanket, behind the ear of the baby.

Laurens posts

Highlights: his shirt
Lights: On his face and neck
Mediums: Arms
Dark: Hair tattoos 
Cast shadow: in front of his face

By: Lauren Hughson
highlights- in the water
lights-his face and the water
mediums-his back
darks- his cap and goggles and hair
cast shadows-none

Monday, March 4, 2013

jennas pencil drawing

highlights- lower lefthand corner
light tone- top left corner
medium tone- middle of light bulb
dark tone- top of light bulb
cast shadow- under lightbulb

The cast shadow is infront of the zebra because it looks like the light is coming from the back
The highlights are on the white parts of the zebra and there are more highlights on the zebra in the back
The darks are mainly on the black parts of the zebra
The midtones are on the grey parts of the zebras butt.

Faith's pencil drawing

Lights-left section
Darks-Underneath and neck of guitar 
cast shadow- underneath guitar
high light-middle section
medium tone- upper right

Kid Cudi

Lights - the front of his face, his glass lens

Darks - his neck, bottom beard

Mediums - the middle of the face, down to the jacket

Cast Shadows - none

Crystal's Answer

highlights - mostly the right side of the dog, the tail
lights - sort of in the middle of the dog
midtones - mostly the left side of the dog
darks - under the ears, the nose, the mouth
cast shadows - in between the fur

Light-top of nose
highlight-under collar
dark-ears, inside of lips
cast shadow-right

pencil drawing high lights.... dark..... mid-tones... etc

mid tones- left side of her hair,
dark- shirt, lips, earings, below ear on the left side.
cast shadows- under her chin
highlights- hair, face, hand, shoulder, eye lids
Highlights: Her hair
Lights: Right side of her face
Medium Tone: Right side of her face
Dark: Her neck
Cast shadows: Under her head
highlights- neck face, front of legs
lights- frotn of the dog
medium tones-body
darks- butt, far away legs
cast shadows- underneath belly

Friday, March 1, 2013

Brad E. dD Pencil Value Drawing

I chose this drawing because it has highlights in the eyes, light values on the forehead and cheeks, medium values along the cheek bones and on sides of the forehead, and in her facial feature such as nose and lips. Dark values are seen in the eyes and in the hair, also on the neck. It looks quite 3D.

DataDyne (dD)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

nick's answer

Light is left side of the face
Highlights are in the hair
Dark is the right side of the face
Cast shadow is under the head
I chose this picture because it has the light values along the crease of her face, the bridge of her nose, and in parts of her yes and lips, she has dark values in her lashes, near her cheekbones and in her eyes. the different values in her hair make it look more 3-D

Monday, February 25, 2013

rory's answer

this is what i found highlights in side pupil lights  medium skin and hair darkness part of hair cast shadow lip,cheekbone, and underneath eye lash

Friday, February 22, 2013

assignment 2

Find and post the most impressive pencil value drawing you can find from research.
The list where you see all of the light terms- highlight, light value, medium values, shadows, and cast shadows. You may be intersted in looking at illusions by M. C. Escher. I suggest searching pencil value drawings.

Ex. highlights- pupil of eye, center of lip, light value- forehead, medium- most of hair, dark value- hair, eye lid, center of lip, cast shadow- under lip