Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Liz's Answer


Research and find the most impressive example of perspective art you can find- either drawing or photo. Underneath explain what type of perspective it deomonstrates, linear, casual, or atmospheric and why
This photo demonstrates atmospheri perspective because the image is clearer in the front and it fades and gets less clear as it goes further back.
Research and find the most impressive example of perspective art you can find- either drawing or photo. Underneath explain what type of perspective it deomonstrates, linear, casual, or atmospheric and why
 It shows casual perspective it fades away like a fade away tacoeven though they are the same size.

Tori's answer

This would be atmospheric because its clearer in the front of the image and much fuzzier towards the back.

Brad E. dD most impressive example of perspective art

Research and find the most impressive example of perspective art you can find- either drawing or photo. Underneath explain what type of perspective it deomonstrates, linear, casual, or atmospheric and why

perspective street art masterpieces by julian beever
"Perspective Street Masterpeices" by Julian Beever

This drawing shows a atmospheric perspective because it has bright colors, and a cartoony style.
This is the most impressive example of perspective because it really shows how prespective can do amazing things, such as give the illusion of a whole town underneath the street, or make a man look like he's holding on to a pole high up while he's really just latching onto it near the sidewalk.

DataDyne (dD)

patricks answer

Patrick's answer......This is linear because this is drawnv on the ground but is drawn to look 3D.

jenna's answer

Casual perspective because the items closer to you are bigger and the ones that are farther are smaller. Also, it gives an illusion that the drawing is part of the picture.


Research and find the most impressive example of perspective art you can find- either drawing or photo. Underneath explain what type of perspective it deomonstrates, linear, casual, or atmospheric and why

This drawing is first perspective and linear.

kaleyisaboss Langlois

This picture is an example of a linear perspective and it's linear because it has one vanishing point, which is the train.

Laurens Hughsons

This Beautiful train track photo is linear prospective. Why? Because there is one vanishing point.
Joe's Answer

 This peice of art is linear and perspective. It is two point perspective becasue of the pattern of the tiles. 

Research and find the most impressive example of perspective art you can find- either drawing or photo. Underneath explain what type of perspective it deomonstrates, linear, casual, or atmospheric
and why

This picture is the most impressive example of perspective art because it shows a great amount of depth and detail. It shows linear perspective and one point perspective.
Nick's Answer: 

This photo is an example of linear perspective because it has one clear vanishing point where all the lines meet. The vanishing point is located directly behind the basket.
Abigail's Answer

 I think this is most impressive example of perspective art you can find because it shows a great amount of detail. It also shows linear lines because it has one vanishing point.
This shows linerar perspective because the lines converge on the same point.

Jake St.Hilaire's Linear Perspective Photo

This is linear perspective because of the parrallell lines going off into the same vanishing point.


This is linear perspective because it has a vanishing point.

Crystal's Answer

This drawing is in Linear Perspective. It is because it's an illusion and it has a clear vanishing point.


Research and find the most impressive example of perspective art you can find- either drawing or photo. Underneath explain what type of perspective it deomonstrates, linear, casual, or atmospheric and why